Curb Inlet Filter
The BrightWaterTM Catch Basin Filter Insert for Curb Inlets is a post-construction, stormwater Best Management Practice (BMP) designed to capture coarse to medium grained sediment, oil and grease, and gross pollutants including trash and debris. The device, which consists of a filtration basket with filtration membrane(s) and mounting framework, installs beneath the curb opening of the catch basin and filters pollutants contained within the stormwater flow entering the catch basin. Capturing pollutants at this point closest to the source is an economical and efficient approach to stormwater management.
The device is available with different filter basket configurations and media that allow the targeting of specific pollutants of concern. Maintenance time and costs are minimized with removable and reusable components.
Technical Data Sheet
Inspection & Maintenance Manual
Measurement Chart

New Product
This product will be released shortly. Please check back for additional details and information.

New Product
This product will be released shortly. Please check back for additional details and information.

Connector Pipe Screen
The BrightWaterTM Connector Pipe Screen (CPS) is a post-construction, stormwater Best Management Practice (BMP) designed to capture 100% of trash and debris 5mm and larger in size from stormwater systems. The device, which consists of a filtration screen and mounting framework, installs in front of the outlet pipe (connector pipe) of a curb inlet or drop inlet catch basin and screens for gross pollutants such as trash and debris effectively converting an existing or new catch basin into a treatment device. The CPS is an economical point source treatment system suitable for new and existing stormwater infrastructure.
Technical Data Sheet
Inspection & Maintenance Manual

Measurement Chart
Installation Guide
Drawings - U Configuration
Drawings - L Configuration